Bylaw changes

1 [general] Change all personal prepositions to He/She to be politically correct.
2 II-2 Change how meeting notices may be given. (email?, any means agreed to by the membership?)
3 II-4 add “ However, a majority (6) of member votes are needed to approve any resolutions and two-thirds (7) to approve any changes to the bylaws.” (Dave’s note: as there is no fixed number of members the numbers (6) and (7) are unenforceable.)
4 II-7 add “, and approval of new members.”
5 Add II-8 “There may be occasions where a decision is needed before a club meeting is held and a majority vote by e-mail is acceptable to approve or reject the proposal. “
6 VI-1 change “keep a proper membership book” to “record”
7 VI-1 change “the book of Bylaws” to “ a copy of Bylaws,”
8 VII-2 delete the word “third” in the second sentence.
9 VII title change Maintenance to “Maintenance/Safety”
10 IX-1 add “Potential new members must complete the “Pilot Member Information” form before being considered and approved for membership.”
11 IX-3 revise wording from
”A new member shall not commence flying Club aircraft until he has been checked-out by a currently certified flight instructor No non-member shall be permitted to pilot Club aircraft. The only exception to this rule shall be currently-certified flight instructors who are engaged in checking-out new members, or who are engaged in normal flight instruction of any member.”
A new member shall not commence flying Club aircraft until he has been checked-out by a currently certified flight instructor (CFI). Ten hours of dual time in the club aircraft with a CFI sign off is required. No non-member shall be permitted to pilot Club aircraft. The only exception to this rule shall be CFIs who are engaged in checking-out new members, or who are engaged in normal flight instruction of any member.
12 X add sentence ” If any member becomes delinquent for a period of 6-months he/she is assumed to have resigned membership in the club and the club reserves the right to enforce the buy out of the member’s share for one-half its then appraised or agreed-upon value.
13 XI-5 change “… of the flight controls of the Club aircraft” to … of the flight controls of the Club aircraft or other aircraft of same make and model.”

One thought on “Bylaw changes”

  1. 2 I’m thinking we can come up with something more general than “email” who knows what the future may hold?
    13 this is a new one I added. I would think flying with Gene in the 182 at KPTW would satisfy the requirement for currency.

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